Briefly In English     

The Savonian Survivors Registered Association (aka Selkkarit)

Index of this page

1. Official Introduction

2. Our Goals

3. Our Open Hours are

4. Our Weekly Programs

5. Our Memberships

6. How to Contact us

7. Cookie Policies

1. Official Introduction

Officially Savolaiset Selviytyjät ry was founded in 1993. We are local, independent and open association for people who are suffering from psychiatric problems as well from for those who are dealing from substance problems and rehabilitation.

The association is a member of the Finnish Central Association of Mental Health, which is the largest European association working with the mental health issues.

Our facilities locates at the middle of the town’s center, near the Kauppalinna shopping center and close to bus station and other major shopping and banking services. See our location from the map.

2. Our Goals Are to:

- promote the health, well-being and stability of our members and guests/visitors

- offer moral an peer support

- assist our members and guest in discovering their own strengths and resources in the rehabilitation process

- offer place with a low barrier to entry, where our guests and members can participate in our daily routines as well as have a positive and fun experiences

We are well-known for our experienced expertise and peer support. No one is left behind, we have dedicated ourselves to offering help and support!

We also offer rehabilitative experience where you can test your skills in

- handcrafting

- kitchen work (cooking and baking)

- café work (cashier and customer service)

- as well as with some light woodworking

We offer an opportunity for work trial experience and wage subsidie work as well.

3. Our Open Hours are

Starting from January 1st, 2021:

- Monday to Thursday from 8a.m. to 1p.m.

- Fridays – closed

- Closed on weekends and as well as Bank and public holidays

4. Weekly Programs

Our weekly programs offer physical and mental stimulus. We have normal programs that are kept once or twice a week, and some are kept in every 2nd week or once a month. Weekly programs may change and vary depending of the reason.


  • The Morning Info, where is told every important issues and info. Every Tuesdays.
  • Stretch a/o gymnastic exercises, every Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • The Spiritual Group, where you can read and discuss about Bible or your own personal spiritual issues. Every Tuesdays.
  • The coloring group, where you can let out your inner Picasso. Every 2nd Wednesdays.
  • Bingo, where you may win some great prices. Every Wednesdays.
  • The Coloring group 2, every Thursdays.
  • The Music Group, where we listen and talk about music. Every Thursdays.
  • “Good-will Coffee”, is a group where we talk about different issues. Once a month.
  • The Members Group, is meant for our members. In the group we make plans, actions and decisions for and about groups/actions/offers for our members. Once a month - at this moment this group is on hold/break.


Our facilities are open to the public and as such, you don’t have to participate in any of the activities to join us. All are welcome to come inside, have a cup of coffee, to have a conversation, to read the daily newspaper, to play board games, to read books – or just simply to come in to warm-up from the Finnish winter.

5. Our Memberships

To become our member, you need to be 18-years of age. You do not need to have any personal mental or health issues. The membership is personal, so all family members must become our members one at the time.

To become our member, you must personally visit in our office during our open hours, and fill-in the membership application. The association’s cabinet members approves or reject the application.

You may be either normal personal member or supporting member. As a normal personal member you are justified to get all our benefits: dinner (every Tue, Wed and Thu) only 3 euros. Revanssi-paper. Cheap sewing services, and lots more.

If you only become supporting member, you are not justified for any member benefits. You only support our association.

Normal personal member’s fee is 20 euros (2022) and supporting member’s free is 40 euros.

6. How To Contact Us

Our official address is: 

Pilkkakoskenkatu 1

FIN-57100 Savonlinna

Phone number: +358 (0)44 353 3501 *

Email: selkkarit (at) **

* Our phone services are only open during the open hours. Otherwise they are closed. Spam, unnecessary and beggary calls and emails are prohibited – thank you!

** DO NOT send us emails that include confidential information or details/documents that are meant to keep in safe/secret. Or material that are copyrighted/you don’t have any permission to handle/send them.

7. Cookie Policies

The Cookie Policy – an information about cookies used on services of provider. The main cookie policy can be read from provider’s own page at (in Finnish).

There may be another cookie policy offered and served by Cookiebot, that is based to European Union’s The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPG) and the ePrivacy Directive (ePR). The service may collect and share some information with 3rd parties – also useful for CCPA compliance (Californian Consumer Private Act). Read more at




We welcome you to come in for a visit, participate in our day to day. You may fall in love!!

We have high ramp but low threshold!




Page updated: February 4, 2022

